Jobs Circle

Pricing Plans

Your dedicated virtual assistant will be working from our offices in India and US. Your dedicated virtual assistant will have a US phone number. You can call/chat/video call anytime during the business hours.

Weekly Plans

Your dedicated virtual assistant will be working in your preferred time zone.

Real Time

3 Hours/ £10.99 only
5 Hours/ £10.39 only
10 Hours/ £9.69 only
20 Hours / £9.09 only
30 Hours / £8.39 only
37+ Hours / £7.79 only

Non Real Time

3 Hours/ £8.49 only
5 Hours/ £7.99 only
10 Hours/ £7.49 only
20 Hours / £6.99 only
30 Hours / £6.49 only
37+ Hours / £5.99 only

Monthly Plans

Your dedicated virtual assistant will be working in your preferred time zone.

Real Time

160 Hours/ £1149 only

Non Real Time

160 Hours/ £879 only

Quarterly Plans

Your dedicated virtual assistant will be working in your preferred time zone.

Real Time

480 Hours/ £3249 only

Non Real Time

480 Hours/ £2499 only

6 Month Plan

Your dedicated virtual assistant will be working in your preferred time zone.

Real Time

960 Hours/ £5989 only

Non Real Time

960 Hours/ £4599 only

Yearly Plans

Your dedicated virtual assistant will be working in your preferred time zone.

Real Time

1920 Hours/ £10,879 only

Non Real Time

1920 Hours/ £8449 only